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Campaigns & Fundraising: Scout Coffee

Good Coffee for a Good Cause — Scout Coffee anyone? 

Scouts Canada and Equator Coffee Roasters have teamed up to offer some really, truly good coffee. We are providing a new “contact-less” ONLINE fundraiser to support Groups in creating great programming that fosters youth well-being and development.    


The Scout Coffee fundraiser will now be a year-round campaign and will be kicking-off October 15, 2021. As with our previous campaigns, Groups can expect a 35% profit on every order. In addition, over 5% of all sales will directly support the No One Left Behind campaign  ̶  providing opportunities for more youth to start Scouting in January 2021. 

Highlights from the Fall 2020 Campaign:

Coffee Sales: $423,307

Group Profits: $148,157

Participants: 555 Scout Groups

What if your next cup could support Scouts in learning new skills, making new friends, and becoming better leaders? And what if that coffee was actually, really good coffee? 


Buy Scout Coffee Now!

Get ready for some more great adventures!

Group Registration Form

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Raise more funds for your Group or Section’s adventures with Scout Coffee!


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Group Fundraising Resources

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Find ALL the resources you need to enhance your Group’s Scout Coffee fundraiser. Find FAQs, sales brochures, social media graphics and more on Scouts Canada’s Fundraising Trello Board.

Trello Board

Good coffee for a good cause!

A flavourful, bright brew with a hint of orienteering and friendship

Every year, Scouts Canada’s fundraising campaigns help support Groups in their Scouting adventures and provide funds for the No One Left Behind campaign which aims to remove economic barriers for youth and families wishing to participate in Scouting. Every young person deserves to experience the world of fun, friendship and self-development Scouting offers. The Scout Coffee fundraiser allows Scouting Groups to enhance their programming to help develop youth into well-rounded, more resilient individuals.

You can take a look at all our delicious coffee blends!


Scout Coffee Sales Brochure

Sustainable Development Goals

In 2020, Scouts Canada adopted the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a part of their Scouts for Sustainability program.

Scouts Canada is very excited to partner with Equator Coffee to support Groups in their fundraising efforts as their values align strongly with ours and support the following United Nation’s SDGs: SDG Goal #1: No Poverty and Goal #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Ensuring No Youth is Left Behind

While Scouting is quite affordable for some families, there remain thousands of youth across our country whose families face economic barriers, hindering their opportunity for participation in our youth-led programming. Find out more about how Scout Coffee help support youth's development and well-being by contributing to the No One Left Behind program

No one left behind