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Outside Educator

Have you ever wanted to learn more about something, but never had the opportunity? Here is your chance! Learn a new skill, or further your own with an outside educator.

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  • Who will you choose to come present? 
  • How will you decide on one topic? 
  • What will you need to prepare for this adventure? 


  • Your group will create a list of different skills or topics you would like to learn more about (coding, animals, space, etc.).
  • Take votes, and once a topic is selected, reach out to an organization to have them come and run an information session/class for your group. 


  • What do you know now that you did not know before?  
  • How did you and your friends get along on this Adventure?  
  • What would you change next time?  
  • Remember to submit your activities on our Scouts for Sustainability Take Action Map

Keep it Simple

  • Ask your friends if they are skilled in a topic! Have them teach the rest of the group. (Examples: plastic lace keychains, rainbow loom bracelets, knitting, origami, etc.) 

Take it Further

  • Research if you can register for courses in a topic that you are interested in tp take it further! (March break camps, weekend courses, online courses, etc.)