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Renewable Resources

We need energy to support our day to day lives! Some of this energy is harmful for the planet, and some of it is safe for the planet. Learn about energy sources that are sustainable, and positive for the planet, and some that are bad for the planet.

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  • What does a renewable energy source mean? What does a non-renewable energy source mean? 
  • What can these energy sources be used to make? 
  • Why is it important to have energy sources that will continue to give us power? 


  • Brainstorm some different kinds of energy (e.g. solar power, natural gas, etc.), as well as a list of characteristics about different kinds of energy (e.g. can be used forever, created using fossil fuels, etc.). 
  • For the first round, Side A of the meeting space is RENEWABLE ENERGY, or energy that will not run out over time. Side B of the meeting space is NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY, or energy sources that will run out if we keep using them.  
  • Have a Scouter read out different kinds of energy. 
  • When a kind of energy is read aloud, run to the side you think the energy source fits into.  
  • In the next round, a Scouter will read out either a positive or a negative characteristic about each energy source. Run to either the Positive side or the Negative Side, to show which category the characteristic fits into. 


  • Non-renewable energy sources have a negative impact on the earth, why do you think so many of them are still used? 
  • What can you do to reduce the amount of energy you use in your day to day?  
  • What do you think this energy produced goes towards? 
  • Remember to submit your activities on our Scouts for Sustainability Take Action Map

Keep it Simple

If your space does not allow for the game, or you do not have enough time to play, you can learn about the different kinds of energy that power your town or city, or other types of energy that are common where you live. Are they renewable or non-renewable? How do you know? 

Take it Further

Take a moment to research the renewable resources in between rounds, and then have someone call out the 'positive or negative' aspects of each energy source based on what you learned.